Randall Alley

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CEO & Chief Prosthetist, biodesigns, Inc.

Randall Alley is the CEO and chief prosthetist of biodesigns, Inc.—a full-service clinical facility and research and development center (B.Sc., University of California, Los Angeles). He is the inventor of the patented and patents-pending High-Fidelity™ Interface (socket) System and MOtion-capturing Fast-access Osseostabilizing™ limb exoskeleton for both upper and lower limb applications. Alley was the primary interface consultant working with DEKA Research and Development Corporation on the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Luke Arm Project, and he is the PI on biodesigns’ DARPA/SBIR Phase II award. Alley is the recipient of a U.S. Army Certificate of Appreciation, NovaCare Chairman’s Award, and the 2016 IEEE Design Award.

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