HDIAC Journal Winter 2019 - Protecting Critical Infrastructure in the Digital Age

Winter 2019: Volume 6 Issue 4

Published:  February 14, 2020

Volume 6, Issue 4 of the HDIAC Journal covers four of HDIAC’s eight focus areas with articles on Critical infrastructure Protection, Biometrics, Medical, and Alternative Energy. The first article, one of two critical infrastructure protection articles and the feature of this issue’s cover, addresses recent actions taken to improve cyber defense and resilience of United States and DoD critical infrastructure, specifically critical infrastructure cybersecurity and defense support of civil authorities. In the second article, the author discusses an interesting medical diagnosis capability that when fully developed could revolutionize military medicine using nano sensors in the body to monitor the health of service members. In the third article, one of two in our alternative energy technical focus area (TFA), the authors discuss the concept of and research into structural batteries, i.e., batteries that can serve two purposes at once: store energy needed by a system for operation and carry the structural load of the system that they are a part of. In the fourth article, our second critical infrastructure protection-related one, the authors discuss the development of the MOSAICS JCTD to demonstrate a capability concept to automate the exiting procedures to detect, mitigate, and recover from a cyberattack on the military’s mission-critical infrastructure. The fifth article falls in our biometrics TFA and details some of the most up-to-date research on issues that are key to the use of photos in making positive identification of a person. Our Winter issue concludes with another alternative energy-related article in which the author reviews a significant improvement in technology to provide safer and more reliable, resilient, and economic delivery of electric power to DoD facilities worldwide.

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