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What technology exists for producing breathable oxygen at the point of use on or near a battlefield?
Posted on May 20, 2021 | Completed on June 29, 2020
What technology exists for producing breathable oxygen at the point of use on or near a battlefield?
The U.S. Army Medical Materiel Development Activity (USAMMDA) requested assistance to determine the existence of noteworthy technology or research capable of producing breathable oxygen at the rate of 1-4 liters per minute.
HDIAC analyzed the latest technology trends and recent research progress in oxygen production and identified promising equipment meeting military standards as well as regulatory agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Aviation Administration. The analysis revealed advances in Air Separation Technology and Chemical Oxygen Generation that were provided to the user. This technical inquiry aided in the development of medical products for the U.S. Army Medical Department, other U.S. Services, the Joint Staff, the Defense Health Agency, and the U.S. Special Forces community. The capability to generate oxygen at the point of use on or near a battlefield would greatly relieve the burden on field hospitals, assuring an uninterrupted supply while increasing patient survivability. Additionally, units operating in mountainous or hypoxic environments would benefit from smaller swing adsorption technology capable of producing oxygen more efficiently with less “feed air.”
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