Electric Vehicle Battery Models Inform Crash Simulation Evaluations to Improve Real-World Safety, Reliability

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Researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory recently hosted visitors from Hyundai Motor Company to review progress on joint battery safety initiatives (photo by Werner Slocum, NREL).
Researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory recently hosted visitors from Hyundai Motor Company to review progress on joint battery safety initiatives (photo by Werner Slocum, NREL).

September 20, 2022 | Originally published by National Renewable Energy Laboratory on September 19, 2022

Across the United States, drivers rely on passenger vehicles to travel over 3.2 trillion miles each year. Vehicle safety during those trips is presumed and crucial to building trust between automobile manufacturers and consumers.

As electric vehicle (EV) adoption increasingly gains momentum, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is collaborating with Hyundai Motor Company to ensure EV batteries can safely and reliably go the distance.

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