Solar and Energy Storage Summit 2023

June 21, 2023 - June 22, 2023

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National Renewable Energy Laboratory
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Hosted By: Wood Mackenzie

Location: San Francisco, CA

Now in its 16th year, the Solar Energy and Storage Summit will continue the discussions for catapulting forward the development of North American solar and storage through the transformational impact of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and progressing the transition to a clean energy future.

Join the team of solar and energy storage research analysts and consultants in San Francisco from June 21-22 as they engage in powerful conversation with leading grid-scale utilities, commercial and industrial solar and energy storage developers, state and federal policymakers and regulators, financiers, and solar module and battery manufacturers.

The 2023 agenda highlights include:

  • Regulatory panel:  Continuing to build a productive policy environment for solar and energy storage as we move forward with the transition
  • Panel:  Growth and outlook for U.S.-based solar manufacturing
  • Wood Mackenzie presentation:  Impacts of supply chain constraints on solar system pricing and equipment costs
  • Panel discussion:  Identifying the best practices and overcoming challenges associated with standalone project development
  • Domestic manufacturing to domestic content:  What is required to nurture the development of a thriving localized storage component supply chain?
  • Panel discussion:  Opportunities and challenges for long-duration energy storage implementation

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