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DoD Unveils Collaborative Biodefense Reforms in Posture Review

The DoD released the Biodefense Posture Review outlining reforms aimed to posture the department to fight and win in the…

New Database Arms DHS with Better Resources to Mitigate Explosive Threats

Every second counts when responders encounter an explosive device, and critical decisions must be made quickly in order to neutralize…

Georgia State Researchers Use ORNL Supercomputer to Gain New Insights Into DNA Repair

Transcription factor IIH, or TFIIH, pronounced “TF two H,” is a veritable workhorse among the protein complexes that control human…

DARPA Seeks to SHIELD Blood From Fungal and Bacterial Pathogens

Fungal and bacterial pathogens can cause bloodstream infections (BSI), are a persistent and deadly threat to both civilian and military…

DOE Launches First-Ever “Cleanup to Clean Energy” Initiative to Explore Generating Clean Energy on DOE-Owned Lands

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today kicked off its “Cleanup to Clean Energy” initiative, an innovative…

Research Awards to Improve Water Desalination Methods

As concerns about water scarcity in the United States grow, desalination—which turns salt water into fresh water—could be the answer…

A Decade of Greener Computing Blooms Inside NREL’s Data Center

Some things are treacherous when mixed, like water and electricity. So when advanced-computing experts at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory…

Bio-inspired Device Captures Images by Mimicking Human Eye

Drawing inspiration from nature, Penn State scientists have developed a new device that produces images by mimicking the red, green, and blue…

Fueling Soldier Performance in the Frozen Frontier

The Arctic Circle–an environment notable for volatile conditions like blizzards, shifting ice, variable terrain, and extreme cold–can be a harsh…

DOE Releases Final Environmental Assessment for Molten Chloride Reactor Experiment

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) released the final environmental assessment and proposed finding of no significant impact (FONSI) for…

US Completes Chemical Weapons Stockpile Destruction Operations

U.S. officials announced that the final munition in the nation’s obsolete stockpile of chemical weapons has been safely destroyed —…

The Science Behind the Army Comprehensive Body Composition Study: USARIEM Completes Critical Data Collection

The U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine (USARIEM) cross-divisional team recently completed the U.S. Army Center for Initial Military…