Impacts of Infectious Diseases on the Military: Lessons Learned

Photo credit: US Air Force

Presented: November 3, 2022 12:00 pm
Presented by: Dr. Rodney Coldren, Dr. John Saindon, Gregory Nichols

This moderated panel discussion will engage three subject matter experts who have served at the forefront of public health operations in both the military and civilian sectors. Panelists will discuss lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and other health crises, recommended responses for future infectious disease threats, and near- and long-term mitigation steps which the military can employ to combat infectious disease threats. Threats analyzed will include natural and manmade releases of biological threats.

The panel will discuss:

  • Information from their personal experiences as well as a year of research on the impacts of infectious diseases to the military.
  • Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and recommendations for future preparations.
  • The complexities that public health personnel deal with when preparing for the infectious disease threat, including differences in communicability, lethality, and presentation.

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