Podcast: The Effects of Multilingualism and Socio-culturalism on the Brain


Presented: April 21, 2021 12:00 pm
Presented by: Dr. Tej Bhatia, Ph.D., Quentin Newcomer

Part 1

This discussion will address the comparative similarities and differences of the multilingual brain with the socio-cultural brain. While the multilingual brain functions unconsciously to create new meanings, new sensitivities, and new cross-cultural information (i.e., optimization), the socio-cultural brain contains biases and social misunderstandings. The key factor with the social brain is that it is driven by monolingual and monolithic ideologies. The role of multilingual ideologies in negotiating multiple principles (urgent issues of inclusion, exclusion, and accommodation) will be underscored in this podcast, as well as the ramifications to diplomatic, national security, and economic undertakings.

Link to Podcast here: https://youtu.be/dyzwCV3kpRo

Part 2

This discussion will address the comparative similarities and differences of the multilingual brain with the socio-cultural brain. While the multilingual brain functions unconsciously to create new meanings, new sensitivities, and new cross-cultural information (i.e., optimization), the socio-cultural brain contains biases and social misunderstandings. The key factor with the social brain is that it is driven by monolingual and monolithic ideologies. The role of multilingual ideologies in negotiating multiple principles (urgent issues of inclusion, exclusion, and accommodation) will be underscored in this podcast, as well as the ramifications to diplomatic, national security, and economic undertakings.

Link to Podcast here: https://youtu.be/sLxxVHa8N_Q

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