Policies, Procedures, and Dangerous Plumes: Lessons Learned From a Mixed-Hazardous Waste Tabletop Exercise


Presented: September 21, 2023 12:00 pm
Presented by: Joel Hewett, M.S.

In June of 2023, the Homeland Defense & Security Information Analysis Center convened a Tabletop Exercise (TTX) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, which posited a mixed-hazardous waste “dirty bomb” blanketing a nearby federal reservation and its research facilities in a harmful chemical plume.  With more than 50 participants in attendance representing 20+ city, state, federal, civilian, and military organizations, the TTX grappled with critical questions of emergency response planning, cross-jurisdiction mutual aid, how best to detect and report on hazards, and triaged personal protective equipment use.

This webinar will discuss the motivation behind the chosen scenario and lessons learned from the exercise.

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