American Nuclear Society Annual Conference 2024

June 16, 2024 - June 19, 2024

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An image of a circuit schematic (top left) in the outline of a human brain, and nuclear power plant stacks (bottom left)
Source: Composite image by Shannon Colson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Hosted By: American Nuclear Society

Location: Las Vegas, NV

The 2024 American Nuclear Society Annual Conference is an event focused on highlighting and progressing nuclear sciences and technologies for their contributions to improving people’s lives and preserving the planet. During the conference, key talking points will include:

  • Various discussions on nuclear fuels
  • High-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU) and nonproliferation
  • Energy recycling
  • The physics behind advanced reactors
  • Advanced reactor safety
  • Verification, validation, and uncertainty quantifications from machine learning models
  • Cybersecurity for nuclear infrastructure
  • Portable reactors
  • Modeling capabilities
  • Robotics for hazardous environments
  • Many additional topics

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