HDIAC Journal 2015 - Volume 1 Issue 4

Volume 1 Issue 4

Published:  March 13, 2015

In the final issue of Volume 1 of the HDIAC Journal, we will examine key elements of homeland defense, as it relates to security, critical infrastructure, medical and cultural studies. The first article details advances in trace detection of explosives. As new and previously undetectable explosives are more readily accessible, the U.S. must understand the necessity for increasing security at airports and other entry points to identify these evolving threats. In the second article, we outline and discuss the role of the DoD in the critical infrastructure protection of the Defense Industrial Base. The medical article summarizes the current Ebola outbreak and presents an analysis performed by Ascel Bio regarding key developments. Lastly, we provide a discussion from the first-person perspective regarding the role of cultural studies in aiding and shaping military plans and strategies.

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