
We participate, host, and promote key technical conferences and forums within the science and technology community.

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Upcoming Events

Public Health in a Migrant Crisis Tabletop Exercise

THIS IS AN IN-PERSON, COLLABORATIVE EVENT.   In 2022, there were over 100 million displaced persons globally, a number that only continues to grow. Because one…

global network map

TechNet Indo-Pacific

TechNet Indo-Pacific is a strategic event in the Indo-Pacific Rim. This year’s conference — “Free – Open – Secure” — focuses on the critical issues…

Image of power lines and energy illustrated in the background.

GridSecCon 2024

NERC, the E-ISAC, and the Midwest Reliability Organization (MRO) are co-hosting the 13th annual grid security conference, GridSecCon 2024, on October 22 – 25 in…

Several military vehicles staged on a beach for an All-Service logistics exercise.

2024 Defense Logistics & Support Conference

With the expertise of thought leaders from the U.S. Department of Defense, industry, academia, and allied nations, this conference dives deeper into contested logistics, assessing…

Image of windmills, solar panels, and storage tanks overlayed with a dodecahedral pattern

Microgrids & Energy Resilience Summit

Defense Strategies Institute’s (DSI’s) Microgrids & Energy Resilience Summit will bring together U.S. Department of Defense, federal government, and industry to drive the integration and…

AI Generated image of a holographic globe centered in a diagram of structures

Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Conference

The AFCEA Atlanta Chapter presents the next Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. AFCEA provides the a meeting place for government, academia,…

Past Events

AEE East Energy Conference & Expo

AEE presents a forum for education, discussion, and growth. Unprecedented changes are driving a revolution in energy efficiency, clean energy, and decarbonization. This virtual conference…

2021 Preparedness Summit – National Conference on Public Health Preparedness

Due to the ongoing public health impacts of COVID-19, NACCHO has decided to transition the 2021 Preparedness Summit from an in-person meeting to a fully…

TechNet Augusta Episode 1

AFCEA International continues to closely follow developments regarding COVID-19. At this time of unprecedented global challenge and concern, the health and safety of our event…