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Biometric Technology Rally

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) hosts a series of Biometric Technology Rallies to…

Leading a Transformational Shift in the Implementation of Batteries: Dr. Corey T. Love Receives Applied Science and Engineering Arthur S. Flemming Award

WASHINGTON  –  Dr. Corey T. Love, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) materials research engineer, received the 2023 Arthur S. Flemming Award in…

U.S. Army Civilians Build Mock Weapons of Mass Destruction Labs for Elimination Training

ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. – U.S. Army civilians build mock chemical and biological laboratories to help Chemical Corps soldiers prepare…

Enhanced Energy Storage and Intelligent Power Management Systems for Defense Department Tactical Microgrids

As the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) increases operational capabilities in austere and remote locations, our ability to effectively store…

Navy Medicine Microbiologist Joins NASA Efforts to Prepare for Mars Surface Missions

HOUSTON – Lt. Anca Selariu, a microbiologist with the Naval Medical Research Unit (NAMRU) INDO-PACIFIC, along with three other volunteers,…

Key to Beating Burnout: Prioritizing Self-Care

Many service members work in high-stress, high-intensity environments. The demands of the mission and challenges posed by military life can…

WLEF: Affecting Cultural Change

OKINAWA, Japan — “Although I have only been to one Women’s Leadership and Education Forum event here at Camp Schwab,…

Drones Fly Low and Slow for Radiation Detection

Unoccupied aerial vehicles, better known as drones, have rapidly advanced from a quirky, high-flying novelty to a versatile workhorse. They…

Extracting a Clean Fuel From Water

A plentiful supply of clean energy is lurking in plain sight. It is the hydrogen we can extract from water…

Pacific Air Forces Airmen Test Next Generation Aircrew Protection Equipment

HICKAM AIR FORCE BASE, Hawaii – If you’ve spent time in the Indo-Pacific region, you’ve heard the term “Fight Tonight”…

NIST Develops New Nondestructive Method for Assessing Bioengineered Artificial Tissues

Engineering organs to replace damaged hearts or kidneys in the human body may seem like something out of a sci-fi…

Researchers Analyze, Share DUNEX Data for Coastal Resiliency

DUCK, N.C. – As the 2023 hurricane season begins, participants in the U.S. Coastal Research Program (USCRP)-supported During Nearshore Event Experiment…