Technical Inquiries (TIs)

The core function of HDIAC is to answer technical questions using our in-house technical personnel, vast DoD information resources, and our extensive network of subject matter experts (SMEs). HDIAC has technical staff available to conduct technical research in order to give you a head start on your analysis or study in any of our technical focus areas. We offer a free 4-hour TI research service or, for slightly larger research efforts, we offer an extended technical inquiry (ETI) service.

Technical Inquiry Features

Our TIs include the following to help you with your research:

magnifying glass
Literature Searches

A curated bibliography given a technical topic

Document Requests

Dissemination of technical reports to authorized users

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SME Referrals

Contacts and connections with relevant, technical SMEs

coworkers collaborating together on research project

Free Technical Inquiry Services

HDIAC’s free TI service offers 4 hours of free research per inquiry on any topic within our technical focus areas. Typical TI efforts may include answering technical questions, literature searches, document requests, or referrals to SMEs. Completed responses are compiled and delivered to the inquirer in less than 10 business days. Registered users can submit TIs online through the provided form or by phone.

Extended Technical Inquiry (ETI) Services

ETIs are externally funded research efforts that go slightly beyond 4 research hours. ETIs require between 5 and 160 technical hours of research, with a $50K maximum ceiling and period of performance up to 2 months.


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Notable Inquiries

Notable TIs are findings and/or summaries of responses to the most recent and impactful technical inquiries submitted by HDIAC members under our 4 free hours of information research support.

Filter by Technical Focus Areas

By default, only content within your selected technical focus areas is displayed throughout the site. You can update your technical focus areas in your profile or temporarily filter the content here.

Military Working Dog CBRN Protection and Medical Countermeasures

In working dogs, what modifications need to be considered for the current deployable force packages/Defense CBRN Response Force military working dog component?

Microreactor Technology

Can you research and provide publicly releasable microreactor power information geared toward supporting U.S. military efforts that have dual-use capabilities?

The State of 5G Technology and Applications to the DoD and Military

What is the state of 5G technology (and beyond) as it applies to the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and military?

Reaction of Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion (RSDL) With Nerve Agents Sarin (GB) and Soman (GD) and Forming Degradation Products

What data exist on the reaction of RSDL with nerve agents GB and GD and forming degradation products?

Agricultural Security Risks

What is the significance of agriculture to security?

Unclassified Datasets Related to Former Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Programs

Do you know of unclassified datasets related to former WMD programs such as the U.S. Biological Warfare Program?