
HDIAC hosts live online technical presentations featuring a DoD research and engineering topic within our technical focus areas.

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Upcoming Webinars

Ignition and the Path Toward an Inertial Fusion Energy Future

In December 2022, a team at Lawrence Livermore National Lab’s National Ignition Facility (NIF) conducted the first controlled fusion experiment in history to reach scientific energy breakeven, producing more energy from fusion than the laser…

Connected silhouettes of people superimposed on a globe.

Leveraging OSINT To Mitigate FOCI Risks And Prevent Dual-Use Technology Diversion

This in-depth webinar will explore how open-source intelligence (OSINT) can play a critical role in identifying and mitigating risks related to foreign ownership, control, or influence (FOCI) and preventing the diversion of dual-use technology. As…

People sit around a table as a government representative speaks.

Improving Public Communications in a Crisis

Throughout the course of various crises, communication from government agencies and key stakeholders is critical.  Unfortunately, this communication has been upended many times in a variety of ways.  To alleviate public fear, some organizations have…

A political map of the Caribbean Sea showing Central and South America.

Security Implications for the United States From Iranian and Hezbollah Activities in Latin America and the Caribbean

This presentation will examine engagement with Latin America by Iran, its government agents, and surrogate groups such as Hezbollah, including terrorist finance, terrorism, and other activities and their evolution in recent years.  It will address…

Past Webinars

From Lab to the Literal Field: Custom-Fit, 3-D-Printed Medical Devices and Wearable Sports Gear

In early fall of 2019, Dr. Michael Zabala received a phone call from his neighbor, Robbie Stewart, the head athletic trainer for Auburn Football.  A…

Radiation Biodosimetry: Where We Are and Where We Need to Go

In the case of radiological/nuclear (R/N) mass casualty incidents, several thousands of humans may be exposed to ionizing radiation. Timely assessment of radiation dose is…

Policies, Procedures, and Dangerous Plumes: Lessons Learned From a Mixed-Hazardous Waste Tabletop Exercise

In June of 2023, the Homeland Defense & Security Information Analysis Center convened a Tabletop Exercise (TTX) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, which posited a mixed-hazardous…

Printing Destruction: AM, WMD, and the Emerging Challenges to Security

This webinar will contain CUI and is restricted to U.S. government and contractors. Registrants may be asked to provide verification of their status. A link…

Contemporary Counter Unmanned Aerial System Technologies

This webinar presentation contains CUI and is therefore limited to government and contractors only.   As unmanned aerial system (UAS) technologies spread globally, UAS attacks…

Wearable Biochemical Monitoring? Very Recent Breakthroughs Will Make Performance and Health Monitoring a Near-Term Reality

The U.S. Department of Defense has invested heavily in concepts to continuously monitor performance and health status.  While these investments have struggled to reach deployment,…