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Researchers Use Luminol to Treat Malaria

Researchers Use Luminol to Treat Malaria

Malaria is a devastating infectious mosquito-borne disease caused by single-celled parasites called Plasmodium that can live inside red blood cells….

Breakthrough with New Technique for Graphene Production

Breakthrough with New Technique for Graphene Production

Graphene is the thinnest substance capable of conducting electricity, but is also flexible and one of the strongest known materials….

Easily Retrievable, Biodegradable Nanoparticles for Environmental Cleanup

Easily Retrievable, Biodegradable Nanoparticles for Environmental Cleanup

News reports continue to raise awareness of potential health threats associated with exposure to hazardous materials. The Elk River chemical…

Manufacturing Miniature Primary Batteries

Manufacturing Miniature Primary Batteries

When soldiers depart on long patrols, the gear they carry weighs up to 100lbs. Deployable communication devices such as radios,…

The Offshore Floating Nuclear Power Plant Concept

The Offshore Floating Nuclear Power Plant Concept

If the nuclear industry is to live up to its immense potential and thrive in a post-Fukushima, post 9/11 world…

Japan’s “Privacy Visor” Thwarts Facial Recognition Technology

Japan’s “Privacy Visor” Thwarts Facial Recognition Technology

Japan has worked for years to create a pair of glasses that will shield the wearer from discovery on facial…

Shielding Radiation Using Composite Metal Foam

Shielding Radiation Using Composite Metal Foam

The Advanced Materials Research Lab (AMRL) at North Carolina State University is creating a new class of metallic foam, known…

Death by Technology: The Need for Law to Mitigate Risk

Barnaby Jack was a brilliant New Zealand grey hat hacker, a subclass of ethical hackers. “In general terms, ethical hackers…

U.S. National Biosurveillance: An Integrated Enterprise

Biosurveillance: Threat, purposes and requirements Since the 1970s, newly emerging diseases have been identified at a rate of one or…

Battlefield MRI

Magnetic Resonance Imaging is the best method for non-invasive imaging of soft tissue anatomy, saving countless lives each year. It…

Biobotic Insect Sensor Networks for Search and Rescue

The relatively recent developments in swarm robotics have found a variety of applications in areas ranging from military to environmental…

ISIL as the Militarized Arm of the Arab Spring: How Crises of Authority Are Clearing the Path to Violence

Calling itself the Islamic State may one day be known as the greatest propaganda coup the Islamic State in Iraq…