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Preparing for the Threat of Ammonia & Chlorine

Introduction Ammonia and chlorine are essential to modern life. Processes relying on ammonia and chlorine provide safe public water supplies,…

Conformal, Wearable Batteries: Powering Warfighter Equipment

When the U.S. first arrived in Afghanistan more than two decades ago, a typical unit required 2.07 kilowatt-hours (kWh) to…

Wearable Thermoelectric Generators Powered by Body Heat

Wearable thermoelectric module manufacturing is an emerging field with applications including self-powered wearable electronics, self-powered health and performance monitoring devices,…

Detection of Large Scale Man-Made Explosions by the Global Navigation Satellite System

As the U.S. military stands prepared to respond to emerging threats and remains deployed throughout the world, our adversaries are…

Nanotechnology & the New Arms Race

Background The 100th anniversary of the day the United States entered into World War I is a good time to…

Improving Cognitive Performance in Aviation & Other Military Applications

Background Optimal cognitive performance is critical to warfighter success. Methods to improve cognitive performance could enhance decision making, improve perception…

Creating a Face From a DNA Sample

The Department of Defense (DoD) continually seeks new and emerging methods to improve biometrics for enhanced security and identification. Biometric…

New Technologies New Risks

Introduction Technology is advancing at such a rapid pace that it is becoming increasingly difficult to assess the safety and…

A Novel Approach to Battlefield Wound Assessment & Treatment for Forward Surgical Teams

As warfare technology has progressed to more sophisticated and deadly tactics, the prevalence and severity of traumatic injury have increased….

Secondary Earthquakes – New Madrid Seismic Zone: Response During an Ongoing Emergency

There are emergencies we respond to that have relatively short duration with potentially high consequence. For example, tornadoes are over…

Host-Oriented Therapeutics as an Innovative Countermeasure Against Ebola & Other Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses

Our research objective is to develop novel small molecule, broad-spectrum therapeutics against viral infections caused by high priority, bioterror pathogens,…

The Next Generation of Biofuels for the U.S. Military

The United States Department of Defense is committed to reducing its petroleum energy consumption in an effort to decrease its…